Student Achievements

Runner Up in the Cycle Polo Championship
Ms. V. Rashmi, III Year, CSE secured Runner Up in the Cycle Polo Championship held on 03.11.2018 & 04.11.2018 at Sri Jayendra Saraswathi Swamigal Golden Jubliee School, Tirunelveli.

Cash Award of Rs. 2500 in SSN Hack & Tackle 2.0
 We are happy to inform that S.Sonali, J. Sabarish, Mr. R.Vishweshwaran, III year students  participated with the topic “Intelligent Stick” in SSN Hack & Tackle 2.0, a 24 hours hackathon and won the cash award of Rs. 2500/- on 21-02-2020

First Prize in Paper Presentation

We are happy to inform that Sriaparna S , Subhashri.M and Tintu Mathew of III Year CSE, has participated in Paper Presentation entitled "Electric Vehicle - Infrastructure using Block Chain" and won the First Prize held at Adhiparasakthi Engineering College, on 22.02.2020 during the academic year 2019-20.

Second Prize in  Quiz  @ Cyberthon

Computer Society of India-Kancheepuram Chapter in association with St.Joseph Institute of Technology organized the Cyberthon Event for CSI Student Volunteers on 06.09.2019. In the Cyberthon, they conducted two Technical Contest ,Quiz and Website testing. Our College Students, Mr.S.AROCKIA KINSELY FELIX and Mr.S.GOUTHAM RAJ ,IIIrd CSE students won the first prize in Website testing with the cash prize of Rs 1500/- and won the Second Prize in Quiz with the Cash prize of Rs 500/-.