Cyborgs 2020
“Current Trends in IT Companies”. The chief guest advised the students to be
professional rather than being graduates. The welcome address was given by Ms.
H. Jefin Dayana, President, final year CSE student. Dr. B. Vanathi , Head of
CSE Department felicitated the function.
This event was successfully completed under the
guidance of Dr. B. Chidhambara Rajan , Principal,SRM VEC and Dr. M. Murugan ,
Vice Principal, SRM VEC .The CYBORGS 2020 organized three technical and four
non-technical events. Twenty internal participants and fifty one external
participants were registered and actively participated in the conducted events
and won the prizes.
Cyborgs 2018
A National Level Technical Symposium Cyborgs 2K18 was conducted on 29.09.2018.The
symposium was inaugurated by Dr.D.Vidhya,
Director, Inautix Technologies India PvtLtd(BNY Mellon Technology
Affiliate,Chennai).The participants are from different institutions of Tamil
Nadu along with our college students. Around 80
students participated and made the symposium a great successful event.
Cyborgs 2017
A National Level Technical Symposium Cyborgs 2K17 was conducted on 12.08.2017.The
symposium was inaugurated by Mr.Vaidhyanathan Venkataraman, Principal and Head (Finance
Service) Capgemini India Private Limited.The
participants are from different institutions of Tamil Nadu along with our
college students. 173 students participated
and made the symposium a great successful event.
Cyborgs 2016